(because what comes after the K is hard)

I am a Dallas, Texas-based photographer specializing in branding and custom portraits of artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs.
Due to the "out and about" nature of my work, email is the best way to reach me by any of the links on the contact page or any page of this site.
Photography has made some important changes in the last 15 years and my business has changed as a result. I am focusing on personal brand photography – to create content for entrepreneurial creators needing high-quality content on a regular basis. Relationships can be built and sustained to create relevant ongoing photography to build brands.
This is a new and exciting direction with so much opportunity. I am really excited about it. I love helping people create the business and the life they love.
I helped to build a photo business in advertising photography for 13 years before switching to consumer photography in 2007 when my kids needs' changed.
In 2017, building on my love of photographing artists, I co-produced with Susan Hamm, a book of portraits and interviews of artists who graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in Dallas. Fulfilling the Vision: One Dallas Arts School's Impact on the World. You can see more here: